Wow, this is exciting
I'm creating my very first blog. I'm sure I'll post a lot of incredibly exciting and interesting stuff in the future, but now seeing this blank window here I'm a bit intimidated. I mean, potentially, anyone can read this stuff. Although I already have a lot of friends who regularly look forward to my "Cat Chronicles", stories about my kid, and stories about my torrent and insane love life. sigh. I'll start with the cat stuff, I think. Seems to be the safest topic.
I have two cats. Daisy is a sleek black domestic shorthair, with just enough single white hairs throughout her coat to save her from being the devil's cat (apparently, it's almost impossible to find a cat that's entirely black, with no other coloured hairs because they were all killed off in the middle ages - how utterly awful, ignorant and yet so typical of humankind). She has a cute round face and yellow eyes that glow with mischief. Daisy is the boss between the two cats, the dominant female, with attitude, speed, agility and greediness. She is almost two years old and still incredibly playful and energetic. And then there is Prissy. Priscilla, the Dowager Queen. She is a fat (ahem, sorry, big boned) grey long hair. Her colour is almost like a Russian Blue, silvery blue-grey, her face is round, her eyes are green and her fur is just magnificent - that is when she feels inclined to let me brush it. Prissy had a difficult childhood, not sure what happened but she ended up in a shelter in Guelph, and then shipped to the London North Pet Smart. That's where we found her two years ago, at the age of 1 and a half. It was love at first sight for me and my girl, but for Prissy, it was a frightening experience to be moved yet again, who knows where. It took her a while to get acquainted with the house, sniffing everywhere for days, possibly looking for an escape route. Girly was good though, she didn't harrass her, especially after being bitten and hissed at a couple of times. Prissy made it known in no uncertain terms that she did not want to be bothered by a five-year-old, and just barely tolerated affection from me. She slept in my room for a few days, but I had to boot her out because she had a tendency to meow in the middle of the night and I value my sleep too much (more on that later). Then she took over the big chair in the living room or the soft ottoman by the window for sleeping. That was two years ago. Now... well, now, Prissy is the most affectionate, beautiful cat I've ever known. She comes and hops into my lap (or on top of my belly and chest if I'm lying down) and as soon as I start scratching her neck, she begins to purr so loudly, her whole (considerable-sized) body is shaking. She comes and meows good morning as soon as I open my bedroom door in the morning, keeps me company while I'm in the bathroom (yes, thanks for staring at me, Pris, while I'm sitting on the can), follows me into the kitchen and preferably lays down in the middle where she will be most in the way, hoping for a pat or two while I'm walking by. She is the first to come to the door when I come home and only gets upset when there are too many kids in the house (way too noisy) or when the food dish in the basement is empty. In that case, she will let me know, loudly and frequently, that it's time to fill it up.
Well, now, before anybody might think that I'm just a crazy old woman in love with her cats, no, that's not entirely true. It probably will be in a few years, but I have much living to do before then. Stay tuned for more of the Cat Chronicles and some of those other topics I mentioned in the beginning.