Monday, December 04, 2006

We've Moved!

All done! What a weekend! So incredibly busy and stressful and funny and tiring.
Friday, my Mom and Michael came over to help me load his van, my car and finish up packing. The two guys from Silk Road movers came at 12:30 and loaded all the furniture and big boxes up to their truck - incredibly fast, they were so good! Two guys from Afghanistan, they were very careful with our stuff and very professional, and not expensive ($50 per hour). So, by around 3:30 on Friday, everything of ours was over at the new house, except the livestock (cat, rodent and fish). We went back in the old house to get them, and a few last bits that were left behind. Daisy complained the whole time over, she hates car rides. Prissy found a new home, my friends Les and Maggie (Hungarian couple who always have at least 3 cats, and they recently had to put one down due to illness, so they were "short" one). We moved her over on Wednesday and then on Thursday, they called and said Prissy ran away, because they've seen no hide nor hair of her at all. So we were all worried that she is outside in the cold, all alone, scared, meanwhile, she was hiding in their basement under some old equipment! They found her on Sunday, when she came out and ate a handful of food and ran up to use her litterbox. Then she let herself be petted by Maggie, so I think she'll be ok.
Meanwhile, Daisy, who usually won't give you the time of day, clung to me the whole weekend, sleeping with me and generally trying to be in the same room as I was (which was VERY helpful, to have a cat underfoot while trying to assemble furniture and organize things).
Anyways, after my Mom and Michael left, Derek and Peter moved in Derek's stuff into the basement and we started the enormous task of unpacking! I got the kitchen operational and got mattresses on the floor with sheets on them for the first night, as well as got the Xbox and the VCR set up for Lydia. We had no phone and no HEAT!!!!!! As we huddled together for warmth, I went to investigate the furnace room and found an additional switch I've never seen before, with settings of "Summer ---- Winter" and it was set to summer, so without hesitation, I switched it over the winter and the house slooooowly started to fill with warmth.... and stink.... the basement carpet is HIDEOUS!
anyways, to be continued... I have to go work now.


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