Saturday, April 28, 2007

Little poopy face

Derek's brother Andrew is a cat lover. Correction, cat fanatic. He used to breed Siamese cats and there was one point in his life when they lived with over 20 cats! But now, he lives in a small apt. and he only has 3, and even that proved to be a bit too much. So, he talked to us about it last time he was in town and said if we agree, he'd bring over the youngest, Young Sao (probably not the right spelling), an 8-month old kitten. I said yes, yes, yes pleeeeze. And Derek surprised me by agreeing! So, yesterday, Lydia and I came home to find Jamie literally bouncing in excitement. He shrieked, there is a baby cat, there is a baby cat, I didn't understand at first what he was saying, he was so excited. And then I saw the newcomer in my bedroom. Young Sao is GORGEOUS. Dark brown little face and ears, dark paws and tail, a delicious caramel colour on her body, startlingly light blue eyes, and light whiskers. When we first talked about her, Derek (since he is still pretending not to like cats) said, OK, what's shithead in Thai. Because Andrew used to live in Thailand (he taught English there), he knew, and he said, Naa Kee. Derek thought that was a fitting name for a kitten with a brown face... LOL. And, since it sounds fairly exotic, and nobody would know anyway, (OK, except you guys who read this blog) I thought it was a good name as well. So, Naa Kee it is, though it kinda morphed into Nokee. As for Daisy, she wants NOTHING to do with the weirdo newcomer, she is constantly growling and hissing like a maniac... Nokee keeps coming up and looking at her with innocent blue eyes, her pose submissive, she sooo wants to be friends, and all Daisy is doing is being mean... she even hissed at ME, the little bag! So tonight, Nokee is staying downstairs in the laundry room, with her own food and drink bowls and her litterbox, and Daisy can have the rest of the house to herself. I'm petting Nokee and then go and pet Daisy, to mingle their scents, and hopefully, in a couple of days everybody will settle down. I'm happy with the new baby, she is adorable, and she stole Derek's heart the moment she arrived (shhh, don't tell anyone). She jumped up into his lap while he was on the computer and she always rubs her cute little head into my palm as soon as I reach down, she is very friendly.


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Hey, flames, do a search on my blog for "Dory"...and hope Daisy learns to treat Nokee better than ours treated Dory. How old is Daisy? It's hard for an older cat to adapt to a kitten.



Funny how many guys are secret cat lovers. For me it's not so secret, I've always loved cats, but it makes you wonder why a dog is supposedly man's best friend when really, men try to model themselves after cats and not dogs. I mean, come on, think you're independent but oh God do you come running when the can opener comes out, take-no-shit, never admit guilt, only cuddle when you feel like it--is that not a quintessential man for you?

8:08 AM

Blogger flameskb said...

Ken, you are brilliant! It's true, men are more like cats than you realize... like, when they do something goofy, like, jump two feet high when they are startled, and then look around and walk away with a cool look, like, hey, nothing happened, I intended to look that way!!!! teee heee. Daisy is two years old, Nokee is 8 months, and she is kinda small for her size. This morning, she practically wrapped herself around my neck and purred her head off. Daisy is still hissing when she sees her, but she is growling less... progress... I gave Daisy lots of attention this morning, too, brushed her while she was rolling on the carpet, so I think she will forgive me for dumping an intruder on her.

3:06 PM


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