Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm losing it

I've been working every Saturday for the past few weeks, I'm the only one who ever cleans up, washes dishes, etc. at home and I haven't been able to sleep in for weeks/months.
This morning I have thoughts of running away/becoming a nun/joining the circus/killing myself. That's all before 9 am.
I went to my doc and he gave me more pills, but it's not pills I need. Not therapy. I need the people in my life to step up and help me instead of heaping tremendous guilt/more work/bad moods/money problems on me. I'm tired. I want to sleep and never wake up.


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Flames, you need to SPEAK UP on this. The things you are talking about kill relationships if they are unaddressed. To say nothing of the affect they're having on you.

Eva and I have a deal. She cooks, I clean. That's the deal. Occasionally I'll make dinner, and occasionally she'll run the vacuum, but in five years I don't think she's ever done the bathroom or the kitty litter or taken out the garbage, and I do the laundry about 98% of the time. And that's okay. That's our deal.
Other couples have other deals, and that's okay, too. But ya gotta have one. Ya just gotta.


6:39 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

we did have a deal.... but it's not happening. unless I remind or nag... and I hate doing that. but it's time for a serious discussion about that.

6:31 AM


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