You know I can't resist memes
How tall are you barefoot? 5′5″.
Have you ever flown first-class? Yes! Totally by chance! I was coming back to Canada in 1996 after my Dad's funeral, and as I was staning at the back of the line with the other ordinary economy class travellers, a flight attendant (an older Spanish lady) tapped me on the shoulder and said: Come with me. She pulled me aside, asked if I was travelling alone, and upgraded me to First Class, for the 2 hour flight to Amsterdam. It was NICE! I ended up sitting beside an Archiology professor from Brazil, we sipped champagne and ate from real china plates and cutlery, not the little square plastic trays, and talked about his digs...
One of your favorite books when you were a child? Pippi Longstocking (in Hungarian translation, so I think I want to re-read it in English, maybe with Lydia.
A good restaurant in your city? The thai place I went to one time with Graham.
What is your favorite small appliance? The food processor. Grates, blends, whips, chops... perfect
One person that never fails to make you laugh? Derek.
First LP you ever bought? I can't remember.
Do you do push-ups? NO! and you can't make me!
What was one of your favorite games as a child? played house with my dolls a lot, made up stories and everything... it was then that my writing started developing. Some of the stories I've jotted down later as drafts for future novellas.
When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher.
Your favorite Soup of the Day? Italian wedding or potato bacon
Have you ever met someone famous? No
Date Of Birth? July 10, 1968.
From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? Internet (MSN or CNN)
Current worry? That my daughter will hate me when she is a teenager.
Current hate? none
Favorite place to be? In Derek's arms (I know, waaay too cheesy, but it's true)
Least favorite place to be? Right now, work... It's too stressful with all the year end stuff.
Do you consider yourself well organized? I wish…
Do you believe in an afterlife? No, but sometimes I wish I could.
Where do you think you will be in 10 Yrs? In our own house, happy.
Do you burn or tan? I burn, then tan. (same as J-Girl)
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Depends on the time of the month.
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a kid? Being flushed down the toilet (don't know why), or the house burning down, with me in it.
What’s in your pockets right now? Whew. Nothing right now. There was something naughty in it earlier but I took it out.
Last thing that made you laugh? Jamie, playing the fish game on the computer (Feeding Frenzy 2, TOTALLY ADDICTIVE!), and saying, all my lives are completely dead.
Worst injury you’ve ever had? Broken ankle when I was 12, and it almost resulted in my getting raped by the guy who found me.
How many TVs do you own? One.
Best compliment received? Any compliment is good. Derek told me yesterday I look good in black, and it was sincere, because he had fire in his eyes when he said it.
What leaves you speechless? Somebody being rude for no reason.
What is your favorite book? There are so many!
Last meal you cooked for the opposite sex? Every meal I cook is for the opposite sex (as well as my daughter, and sometimes Jamie - but for him, it's only noodles)
What were you doing at 12 midnight last night? Sleeping.
Ha. Now I know your birthday. *smile* I just fired this one off too. Love that word to the wise from Jamie: 'all my lives are completely dead.' *giggle*
3:16 PM
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