Friday, September 01, 2006

Nothing lasts forever

I'm reminded these days of the way everything in life is in constant flux and change. The Talk Exchange is over, whether it will be re-born in another form remains to be seen. People move on to other blogs and start being interested in new things. People come in and out of our lives and touch us in different ways, leave their fingerprints on our soul and move on.
It's good that it's like this, I know it can be very painful to try and hold on to something that no longer exists. It can cause a lot of grief when you're rigid and refuse to change even when everything around you is changing. And usually I'm fairly fluid and can embrace the new experiences. It's leaving the old ones behind that's painful. I tend to live in the moment these days. I try to concentrate on what I'm doing at that time and lose myself in the enchantment of the moment. Whether its bathing my kid, or reading a story with her, whether it's having a long-distance counselling/bitching session with my friends, making the financial statements balance for the property I'm working on, or being embraced in my lover's arms. I don't want to think about the future or saying goodbye, but it still creeps up on me. It's the fall, too, I love it with all its colours and cooler weather, but it IS a sort of death, a sort of change, a sort of goodbye to the long, hot summer. It always makes me melancholy.


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Flames, that's a lovely post. 'Living in the moment' is something we all need to do a lot more of.

5:44 AM

Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Oh-oh, the blogspammers have found you...I predict pretty soon I'll be typing in nonsense words here, too. *smile*

10:48 AM

Blogger flameskb said...

oh CRAP! that's all i need. LOL.

6:10 AM


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