Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Flawless logic

Lydia lost a tooth today at school (upper left on the front). She of course related the entire story to me (a budding writer, that girl, for sure, she's got a vocabulary that amazes teachers and friends alike). So they were sitting in the lunch room, eating their sandwiches. Andrew was sitting beside her (a classmate, I hear his name ever-so-often), and he was eating a tuna sandwich. Lydia was munching on hers, which was smoked salmon (can you say sophisticated, for a 7-yr-old? Smoked salmon has been one of her favourite foods, since she was 2), and suddenly, she looked down on her sandwich, and there it was, her tooth! And just after she announced this and showed everyone the tooth, Andrew bit into his sandwich and the same thing happened to him!!!! So, she says: Fishy sandwiches are good for teeth, mommy, they make them fall out! She asked for a salmon sandwich again today, because the other one is also wiggling on the top (actually, hanging on my a thread pretty much). And now that she has a HUGE gap on the top, and the already wiggly tooth practically in the middle of this gap, slightly sticking out of her mouth (I swear she doesn't need a witch costume for Halloween), it's time for the school pictures today!!!! Yeeey! It will be interesting! I hope they'll make her smile big and open her mouth!
She also expressed hope last night that the toothfairy will leave her "bear money" (a tooney) for the tooth, because she wants to get one of those little rubbery Pooh bears out of the vending machine at Toys R Us. Of course, the toothfairy, the softie that she is, gave her a bear money.


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

I went to the length of tying one end of a rope around my tooth, the other end around the radiator vent in my bedroom, and YANKING it out. Of course, *that* toothfairy only left me a quarter. I want Lydia's toothfairy! *smile*

11:24 AM


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