Thursday, August 24, 2006

What do you get

a person who has EVERYTHING? E., the boss lady, had a DISASTER for an office today, packages and baskets and wrapping paper everywhere, even a tin tub, one of those that people sometimes photograph babies in, as if anybody would actually bathe a baby in one of those... So I said, ermmm. what's a tub doing in your office? She looked at me, exasperated: Oh, it's for this gift... Apparently, one of our oldest clients got married and M. and E. were going down for a meeting anyway so they wanted to get him a gift. This guy is 73, the bride is 68. The guy (I think his name is Ed) is quite well off, M. told me he lives in a penthouse of an apt. building - that he owns, of course - overlooking the marina in Windsor, he has at least one condo complex (no, not one condo, a WHOLE bloody complex is his), so it's not like he needs a new toaster or cheese grater. So E. (because it's ALWAYS up to the woman to worry about such things as wedding gifts) was assembling a HUGE gourmet basket for this guy, personalized and unique, just for him, with LOTS of booze and sweets in it. It just kinda made me think about the difference between the lifestyle of a person who is wealthy, and a person (like most people I know) who live paycheque to paycheque (if you're lucky enough to have a job). I mean, I wouldn't want to be extremely wealthy, I realize that obscene wealth is more of a burden than it's a pleasure, but it sure would be nice not HAVING to work, just do what you WANT to do, to take trips to different locations, to get away for a weekend in the spur of the moment, to go to a spa and get a facial and a pedicure once a month, to give in to urges of generosity when they strike you ( I LOVE buying gifts for people). I think I could get used to that...
What would YOU do if you had money? and how much money would you consider enough?
For me, if I could have an investment income of 3-4 grand a month, I'd be quite happy.


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