old friends
I got an email from an old friend, and then from another. I worked with these two girls back at IBM and we were very close while we worked together, but then, life happened and I got canned, S. moved away to marry a guy in Brampton, and M.'s mom had health problems and had to be moved to a nursing home. We haven't seen each other in months.. haven't chatted earnestly in over a year. They want to get together next Sat. I feel weird about it. Both of them are Baptists, really practicing their faith, going to church, praying, Bible study (which at one point I went to as well, because I wanted to understand what it's all about and I thought it will bring me peace if I could believe, too. Alas, I couldn't get past the believing in an all powerful being without any evidence for its existence, though I really tried. I felt like a fake.) So, in the past year and a half, my life and my way of thinking has changed a lot. Then, I was seeking, unsure of what to believe, now, I know the philosophy of life, or framework within which I feel comfortable, and it has nothing to do with church and God. I don't really know if I can relate to these girls anymore but I crave the closeness we once had. I also don't want to scare them, because I know, once I start talking about humanism and stuff like that, they'll probably think the devil is speaking through me or something.. LOL. And they'll start praying for my salvation for sure.
Whew, that's tough. Tends to be a friendship-killer, in my experience...too many Baptists (and probably the odd humanist here and there!) don't think it's enough that they've found a system that works for them...they just have to spread the Good News.
It's possible to find common ground. But is it worth it, in this instance?
4:29 PM
yeah, I realize that the bond we had is gone for good, and I'm not exactly heartbroken, I mean, some friendships are temporary, right? I guess it's just my reluctance to say goodbye to ANYTHING and ANYONE... because of my insecurities and my need to be loved and accepted...
What I decided in the meantime is that I'll go, we'll have lunch, and I'll try not to get into any serious discussions. Keep it light, do some shopping, talk about kids and dogs, and leave it at that...
6:00 AM
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