Thursday, July 06, 2006


I LOVE the Sunfest! I go every year!!!! And it's here, this weekend. Mom have been nagging me to bring Lydia over to have dinner at their house this week, but I really, really had no desire to sit and talk with Michael about the Bible. So I came up with the brilliant idea to take her, Lydia and Leila (of course) to the Sunfest this evening. Oh, it was great! We browsed all the little shops, had thai food at a little stand (really nice fresh spring rolls, yum), the girls had ice cream and hot dogs (in that order). Listened to the exotic music, touched all the clothes, baskets, statues, drummed on all the little drums, shook all the bamboo sticks and the dried gourds filled with seeds, signed petitions to release unfairly imprisoned writers (Amnesty International had a booth there with all the stories of these people). Drank lemonade, peered at all the funky jewellery, bought little treats for the girls (they wanted little embroidered coin purses and tiny wooden ladybugs with bobbing heads). Sat in a canvas hammock chair (we all agreed it was uncomfortable, but it was nice sitting down for a minute). Mom was not sure about the petitions, but when I explained that these people were persecuted because of what they believed in and wrote about, she signed a couple, too. AND, she COMPLEMENTED me on the PANTS I was wearing!!!! (She usually sighs and makes a comment about how much better a woman looks in a skirt, because that's what Michael would say, but a couple of hours away from his influence and my real mom was shining through!!!!). I said thank you and that she looked very nice, too. She also asked how I was doing and how Andy is behaving, and now that I think of it, she never asked me once if I was praying!!!!! Yeeeeey! It was a lovely evening.


Blogger jeopardygirl said...

Isn't it great when you can have real mother-daughter time without feeling like you can't measure up. Way to go, MOM!

Now, if I only could have that kind of time with MY Mom...

2:15 PM

Blogger jeopardygirl said...

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2:16 PM

Blogger jeopardygirl said...

That last comment was a duplicate.

2:16 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

What's the problem with your relationship? How can YOU not "measure up" to your Mom? Mother-daughter relationships always fascinate me... so different, yet in some ways, so universal (the worry, the feeling of "not good enough", the nagging, the love, the feeling that when she hugs you, you've come home....). Of course, what I would like is for my daughter to feel all the good stuff, but not have to feel the bad stuff.... I have noticed that when I take the time to show affection and kindness, she blossoms. It's when I get too busy and wrapped up in my own feelings and things is when she acts up... simple.. yet complicated.

5:23 PM


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