Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Yes, I'm harping on this, again... another marriage on the rocks, though there is still hope for them, at least they are communicating...
I have these four Hungarian friends. We are each others' confidants, support network, cheering team, therapists, everything. We exchange emails every day, and chat on msn when we can (timing - the 6-hour time difference sucks- ,kids, work, schedules, families, etc. permitting).
Two of these girls I've never met, they were my friend Hedy's friends at university.
First gir, let's call her Ursa. Married to a guy who studies the sun for a living at the Meteorology Institute in Hungary. They have a six-year-old daughter. Ursa is a nature scientist/artist/creative person. She worked at the Budapest Zoo, worked at the Conservation Authority to protect rare wildlife and plantlife in Hungary. Now she started a radio with a bunch of people. She is amazing. Her husband is an animal. Very funny guy on email, but he swears (every second word is fuck or some such thing), burps, farts, whatever, and also (as most Central- and Eastern European men) very pessimistic in his outlook. Ursa did love him, once. She doesn't anymore. They just "exist" in the same house, and Ursa, well, she did have a few intimate friends to make it a bit easier. We were teasing her lots because she has just experienced her first orgasm a few months ago, with the help of a new friend's deft fingers. She is 35 ys old. (what I wanted to know is, what kind of men did she sleep with before if she'd never had one with any of them????). So, the marriage of two creative, brilliant, scientific minds is NOT ideal.
The second girl: Joanna. She comes from a wealthy family and her husband (a handsome hunk of a guy) probably married her for money (not my opinion, others who actually know the couple told me). Their life is mostly shopping, taking vacations (sometimes with their two boys, sometimes as a couple), they get a new car every couple of years, she regularly changes the furniture and decor in her home. On the outside, they probably look like the golden family, they have it all, great jobs, money, house, kids, cars, everything. So why does Joanna's heart soar and knees get week when she sees this certain "friend", a doctor (also married)? They were only intimate once in the few years they've known each other, they are afraid that it could become very serious between them, yet they still meet, unable to let go of each other, and also unable to let go and just see where their passion would lead... And, btw. last year, Joanna caught her oh-so-handsome husband red-handed with an 18-year-old girl... He does nothing around the house and leaves all the decisions, the child-raising, the housework, everything to her.
The third, you've heard about her before, is Hedy. She lives in Guelph now, with her depressed husband. They've found out recently that they will not be able to have children, due to his very low sperm count. Their doctor recommended surgery to repair a broken blood vessel in one of his testicles, thinking it might improve things, but he decided he doesn't want to do that. She sees that as a deliberate sabotage of their chance to have a child, so that doesn't improve things one bit. He is also one of those immigrants who think he is too good for Canada, and constantly pines to go back to Europe. Hedy wants nothing to do with that, she loves it here, found a good job, found friends, and doesn't want to go somewhere and start over yet again. Since they only have sex every blue moon, (if that), Hedy is also seeing someone on the side.
And there is me, you know what my life is like if you've read my previous posts.
And then there is Silvie. Beautiful, strong Silvie who all through our belly-aching and torrid affairs and husband-bashing, maintained that her boyfriend wonderful, caring and faithful, their relationship is equal, supportive and amazing, and to top it all off, they just had a gorgeous baby girl! But while she was pregnant, Silvie's mom was diagnosed with cancer, and it seemed to have spread through her body very quickly, and the doctors pretty much have given up on her. Now she has a newborn and her dying mother to take care of, a grieving and angry father to support emotionally, her own feelings and post-natal hormones to deal with and her boyfriend just dropped the ultimatum: He is tired of "always giving and giving and never receiving" and if Silvie doesn't move back home right away, (she's been living with her parents since the baby was born to be close to the mother she doesn't have much time left with), he will start sleeping with the charming divorcee next door.
Silvie sent out a "HELP!!!" email to ask our opinions and we all immediately sent her our support and love and advice, encouraging her and telling her that it's a good thing that he actually came to her to tell her this, and not just started sleeping with the woman without any discussion. She's decided to move home immediately, but feels torn and guilty for not being able to be there for her mom. But, I ask you, why can he not see the situation she is in? Why is he making her choose NOW, when he knows (it's pretty obvious at this point) that her mom will not last long? Why is it always up to the woman to make the hard decisions and sacrifice?????
I don't know..... yet again, my belief (that little that was left) in the institution of marriage is shaken. Is it just because I don't happen to have a lot of good examples around me? Or is it that there IS no such thing as happily ever after? Or at least, foor richer for poorer, in sickness and in health? I know you can't possibly be happy all the time, but at least supporting and kind to each other, or if nothing else, at least not hurting the other?


Blogger jeopardygirl said...

Hi. Silvie should concentrate on her marriage and her child. I know this sounds harsh, but she does have a father who can care for his wife (although he may not have any experience or interest in it). However, her husband should have been more understanding of her feelings of her "daughter's duty" in caring for her mother. The other situations, well, I can sort of understand the woman who didn't have an orgasm until she was 35--believe me...

11:10 AM

Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Flames, sometimes it seems like I trip over divorcing or should-be-divorcing couples with every step. It's depressing as hell. I see people who have bad sex or no sex, and therefore think they have a bad relationship or no relationship, and I just want to ask them if they married a whore or a wife. (A gigolo or a husband, to keep this gender-neutral.) Oh, by all means, sex is an important part of a marriage, but I don't believe it to be the most important part, not by a long shot...after all, even the most lustful people on earth spend no more than a couple of hours out of every day copulated.
Ursa...sounds like she needs to talk to her husband. (Well, really, if she's having an affair, she's probably past that point. See if they can analyze their relationship scientifically. It's entirely possible her husband has no clue how unhappy she is.
Joanna: she might once have been the classic rich-girl-thinks-life-is-STUFF sort of personality, and it sounds like her husband still has this level of (im)maturity. Of all the couples you've detailed here, I think this one is most doomed.
Hedy: here's a case where conditions should have been stated up front, before the wedding. She wants a child, and it doesn't sound like she's going to have his. There are ways around this--if her husband has any desire to have kids. If not, maybe everybody would be happier if he *did* go back to Europe and she found someone else.
All this stuff is happening around you. How do you feel in response? What do you do? It's always your choice. Remember, what's bad for someone else need not be bad for you.

5:51 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

That's pretty much what we told Silvie, that she needs to do what she can to repair her marriage, and she said she is working on that. As for the other marriages, well, I think Ursa will stay until her daughter is grown up, Joanna will probably see her doctor friend for uplifting and emotional conversations, if nothing else, and if hunky hubby won't stay out of the pants of teenage girls, she will probably dump him. I don't think she will take any steps to dissolve the marriage, but if he strays once again, it's done. She was pretty clear about that.
Hedy, well, they've talked about their options, the only one he would consider is IVF (8 grand a shot), until the money runs out. He will NOT consider adoption or the use of a donor's sperm, as he will "not raise some other man's brat" (his words). So I think it's only a matter of time (and not a very long time, either) that Hedy will move on.
As for me, well, I've realized that I can not live on my income on my own, even with child support, it will be very tight. So for now, we'll stay here, but I've laid down some groundrules: If he is angry he will either leave the house or go to his room. He will not spank or yell at Lydia, and leave the disciplining to me. (he always did, anyway, except on rare occasions, and it was always bad). He will start working on the basement right away. I will do the housework just like before and do all the grocery shopping and cooking, but we will not have sex any longer. And, we talked about this and both of us understand that this doesn't mean that we are "back together", we will try to act like "roommates". He's been actually rather nice lately, but I harbor no illusions, I know it's only temporary, until the next bad trip, or stupid border guard, or late load, or whatever. He even said I should start dating... But of course, I will remain discreet in my activities anyways.
We'll see how that will work out.

6:14 PM


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