Monday, July 10, 2006

Getting older

yup, I'm 38 years old today. I'm not too wigged out about it, my gloomyness has nothing to do with my age or this particular day. I just don't like myself very much these days, and I only have myself to blame. So, a few Birthday resolutions (since I don't do New Year ones):
1. By this time next year, I will be living apart from my husband. I know, I said this before, and then I backtracked, but a few things happened this weekend that made me realize I've been deluding myself thinking we could live in the same house still.
2. As of today, I will start eating healthier. My pants are getting tight again and I don't feel good when I look at myself in the mirror. So, I will weigh myself today (for the shock value - LOL) and work on reducing the number on the scale.
3. I will be a more consistent mother. I've been too soft on Lydia (sometimes because of plain laziness and depression, sometimes because of guilt, sometimes just because I didn't want to upset her, but kids need rules, consistent ones, and she definitely needs more sleep. So, earlier bedtime and no more caving in to whining).
4. I will love myself more in this coming year. Not do stuff that makes me feel rotten and guilty. Not run after a cart that won't pick me up. Do less stuff that I "have to", or to please people who can not be pleased, and more stuff I want to, or need for my sanity.

Well, I think this is good. I feel better already.
Happy Birthday to me.


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Yes, happy birthday to you! *hug* And psst--do #4--especially the first sentence thereof--and all else will fall into place.
Trust me.

2:38 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

good advice Ken.
My birthday, though it started a bit gloomy, improved later... I got my new car! It's beautiful, it's HUGE (bigger than I remembered to sit in and drive), it's very clean (I told Lydia, no muffins, chips, chocolate milk, candy, and absolutely no ICE CREAM allowed in it!!!!). Then G. took us out for supper (I didn't have a sitter, so Lydia and her friend came along, too, but it was really nice.). After we came back and I put Missy to bed, we sat outside on the back deck, shared a couple of beers and got bitten by mosquitos, but the evening was sooo lovely, I didn't want to go inside. We chatted and cuddled. It was perfect. And then this morning, I got two e-cards!

3:30 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

Wow, thanks Antigona, both for commenting and for recommending the site. I'll check it out! Greetings from London, ON, Canada!

5:42 AM


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