Tuesday, July 25, 2006

All a matter of perspective

I talked to a co-worker today, she had surgery (female stuff) and in a couple of months she is going for a mastectomy... And I read J-Girl's post about the loss in her family... and I realized how childish and how self-indulgent my whining and self-pity was yesterday... I'm not beating myself up about it, I felt crappy (still do), but really, how much does this matter in the big picture? Most people who know me had no idea that we were kinda/sorta an item, so I don't have the humiliation of people pitying me or comparing me to the new girlfriend. And, I knew it's not going to be forever, so it's probably better that it ends now than if it ends years from now and hurts even more. And, I'm still alive, he is still alive, and we both can get on with it. Yes, I guess today I'm in a rationalizing/getting over kindof a mood, though knowing myself, it's a slippery slope and I might sink back into the self-pity stuff once again.
Yesterday I had 3 kids again at my place and Lydia got very hyper and excited playing, so at one point, it was just too much. I went outside to the backyard, laid down on the soft grass and looked up at the sky. Blue sky, fluffy, everchanging, lazy soft clouds = instant calm. It was great. I was only lying there for about 10 minutes, but it felt like I had a good sleep or something... I saw shapes in the clouds, then they morphed into some different shapes and there was nothing around me except me and the sky.
I think this will be my new "meditation". When in stress, look up at the sky, day or night.


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Hey, flames, nothing wrong with self-pity. Your feelings are important, you know. As long as you don't let the self-pity slide you into depression, it's okay to indulge every once in a while. And as for the sky...*smile* I have to try that sometime. It's been awhile since I looked up there.

1:25 PM

Blogger jeopardygirl said...

You are entitled to your feelings! Just because no one knew you were an item didn't make it any less real for you, and the loss of it has got to be painful. I've used that sky meditation a number of times in my life, it's always very soothing...

2:38 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

I bought the CUTEST shoes today. More like clogs, chocolate brown and they are noisy when you walk, they make my feet look small, in other words, PERFECT! Thank goodness for Payless shoes. LOL. I email-cried on my Hungarian friends shoulder today, and Hedy thought he was a jerk (just because of the way I found out he is seeing her - from her, inadvertantly, not from him... Honesty was a BIG word in our relationship, such as it was. He knew I was seeing G., and I thought he would let me know if he decided to hook up with someone else.... and when I sent him an email - nothing nasty, just kinda "hey, good luck with the new gf." he didn't even bother replying... right now instead of crying, I'm just mad.)
Oh well, another stage I have to get through. The stages of loss: denial, depression, anger, acceptance... something like that, right?

3:36 PM

Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Sadness, anger, denial, bargaining, acceptance. They can occur in any order. You can skip a stage or feel two or three stages at once. Sometimes it helps to know "this, too, shall pass"...but each feeling should be acknowleged and allowed to happen.
It sucks when honesty goes by the wayside. It's a sign of immaturity, especially when honesty is specifically requested. What you're mourning right now isn't just the loss of a relationship...it's also a betrayal.

5:00 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

well, denial - done. Throughout the relationship... and bargaining, too, plenty of it... if I confide in him and treat him as a close friend, he'll love me... if I stay away from him, he'll love me more... if I try not to be a pest and not call too often... if I please him in bed (mind you, that was not a chore - LOL)... pathetic, really.
Anger - I'm pretty much there right now. Depression - off and on, also right now. Acceptance - it will come, I know, but until then, I'll be on a rollercoaster... It's a good thing, really, that G. is away, he would not want to see me like this.. He was amazed anyway at how much power I let this guy have over me... He'll probably be glad that it's over, but he would not want to see the mess that I am right now.

5:14 PM


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