Monday, June 19, 2006

what the heck

happened to my side bar? Everything moved down to the bottom... I didn't touch the design file, I swear!!!!!! J-Girl!!!! HELP!!!!!!


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

I've had that happen too, Flames. No idea why. Three visits later, the problem fixes itself. For me, anyway. I've put it down to the Blog Frog. He does all kinds of weird things, like eating random comments, magically transporting your cursor three spaces to the right when you're composing, and italicizing your text for no reason--or NOT italicizing it when your toolbar says it is. Blogger works like a mesh condom, sometimes...the device to insert a link is incredibly clunky, the word verification is sometimes completely unreadable, and they stopped counting words (and profile views) forever and an age ago.
But it has people like you on it. So THAT's okay. *smile*

7:16 PM

Blogger jeopardygirl said...

I know, I KNOW!

It's because you posted those three pics side by side.

Your sidebar is at the bottom of the page, because the alignment of the template is off.

You can do one of three things:

a) delete the post with the three pictures

b) wait until the post with the pics cycles off naturally (after you've posted more entries)

c) edit the post to separate the pics so they are viewed vertically instead of horizontally. It's a little complicated, but it can be done. I'm available to help.

You two have to learn some HTML if you're going to use Blogger. If you can't be bothered, there are other free blogging tools out there, like wordpress. Me, I'd rather learn the HTML.

5:09 AM

Blogger Ken Breadner said...

I DON'T LIKE HTML! I mean, come on. less-than-sign-a-space-href-equals-quotes-website-quotes-greater-than-sign-description-less-than-sign-slash-a-greater-than-sign? There just has to be a less clunky way. And no offense, but I've been "using Blogger" for more than two years now, and probably well over a million words. I don't think that prohibits me from making observations on its foibles. In fact, I think I'm more qualified than some to do so...

3:50 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

LOL, I think I'll just be like our government and take the "do nothing and wait until the problem disappears" approach... And I'll take care not to post three pictures in a row like that... ya live, ya learn... thanks j-girl. Where did you learn html? self-taught? is there a Dummies book on this?

5:11 PM

Blogger jeopardygirl said...

Self-taught, just from playing around with it. Also, Blogger has some great links to resources that will help.

Ken, you learn to do what you want to do, and I'll learn what I want. Sorry if I offended, it was meant as a tongue-in-cheek remark with a helpful recommendation. I thought you knew me.

2:41 PM


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