Saturday, June 10, 2006

still on the lose

Tessa picked up the two cucumber pieces AROUND the trap, and the one going INTO the trap, but she wasn't stupid enough to actually go for the ones INSIDE. She did knock the box around a bit, probably looking for ways to get the cucumber without being trapped inside... OK... I'm now thinking of tripwires, huge buckets falling down and covering her if she moves the bait, or if she goes inside her cage, the door slamming shut, or something... 24 hour surveillance camera with alarmbells... hiring guards to guard the cucumber round the clock... rat poison to get this over with and just get a new hamster... LOL. Houdinina, your days are numbered!!!! Come out with your paws in the air!! STEP AWAY from the cucumber!!!! You are under arrest!


Blogger jeopardygirl said...

That is one smart hamster.

3:51 PM

Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Sounds like you should just give up and cede the basement to your pet. *sigh* Or you could turn one of the cats on it, flush it out...*shudder*

4:49 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

yeah, I think Tinkerbell will be allowed to remain in the workshop... She'll be our invisible pet. We'll feed her until the cucumbers don't disappear anymore. IF she doesn't get greedy and begins to explore the rest of the house, because then, she is taking her life in her own little paws and handing it to Daisy and Prissy...

9:38 AM


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