Thursday, June 01, 2006

song titles

I stole this idea from j girl. Thanks j girl, I needed something to take my mind off things tonight….

How it works is you name a band or artist, and then the answers to the questions have to be in the form of titles of their songs.

Artist/band: Pink

Are you male or female: Stupid Girl(s)
Describe Yourself: Misundaztood
How do some people feel about you: Can’t Take Me Home
How do you feel about yourself: Just Like a Pill
Describe where you want to be: Stop Falling
Describe what you want to be: Respect
Describe How you Live: Don’t Let Me Get Me (cuz I’m my own worst enemy)
Describe how you Love: Love is Such a Crazy Thing
Share a few words of wisdom: God is a DJ


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