Friday, June 16, 2006

Curiosity Caught the Hamster

This hamster is famous now... In the office, people were asking daily about the progress of catching it, whether the cats found it, if it's still eating the food nightly, etc. Even my boss, Mike, helped by finding a large cardboard box with flaps, because it was suggested that I set up a trap by putting the treat at the edge of the unsupported flaps, thus capturing Oreo. So, last night around 9:30 I trodded downstairs (I didn't put food out the night before to make sure Tinkerbell was good and hungry) to set it up with stairs leading up to the top of the box, lined with treats. As I was working on this, I heard a scratching noise. Not in the workshop - in the laundry room, which is NOT a cat-free zone. I looked out to the laundry room, both cats were actually sitting in there, looking nowhere in particular, though their ears were tilted in all kinds of directions; they were trying to figure out where the noise was coming from, too. (Obviously, they are useless as pest control officers of our house, because they couldn't figure it out.) It was definitely rodent noise, tiny, quick little scratches. I went to the small garbage can under the sink, it was slightly tilted and resting on a bag. I looked inside, and.... there she is, Princess Hammie, trying desperately to climb up the slippery side of the plastic garbage can. She looked up briefly when she saw me looking and continued scratching. I grabbed the can and went upstairs. Lydia was in bed, but not sleeping yet. I said: Look who I found! Her eyes grew round and large and she screamed: Hammie Pie! She immediately got up and brough peanuts for Houdinina and we watched as she cracked the shell and stuffed a peanut in each cheek. I left her under the watchful eye of my daughter and went downstairs to get the cage (which I'm thinking we should WELD shut now, because she'll still be able to get out, the little shit). So last night, I lay in my bed and listened to the soft rustling noises as Tinkerbell was settling in once again in her cage. We have a pet hamster we can actually see now!


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

YAY! Visible hamsters are much more interesting than the invisible kind!
Now you're going to have to fatten it up, if it's ever to attain a stature commensurate with all the names it has. *smile*

8:42 AM


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