Monday, May 01, 2006


I felt ugly and tired all day. Then by the time the Talk Exchange ended I developed a really bad headache. The talk was wonderful though and I really enjoyed it (Scientology and other weird cults). D. brought this book, an encyclopedia of all the sects and cults, it's amazing how many of them there are! And what's funny is, they can't really come up with new ideas anymore, so they kinda pick and choose rituals and thoughts from other religions and try to create their own. I mean, Huna and Christianity? Pentecostals and snake handlers (who btw. drink snake poison, in addition to playing with the snakes)? Aliens and UFO's and paranormal? Wow. Honestly, your average wiccan looks pretty normal... I've always been drawn to wicca, probably because it's female-centric and it has a lot of positive things (loving and respecting nature, healing, etc.). However, there is always a catch... somehow I really can't see myself worshipping the Goddess with weird rituals in a black robe and a knife... Just not into rituals much, I guess.
After the Talk, P. and I went to his house and I promptly fell asleep on his couch, he then woke me up to walk me over to the bed and we cuddled and I dozed from time to time, then he made me tea and we talked. He wished me luck for my first day of work and hugged me before I left. He is so good to me. One would think that would be enough and I wouldn't be pining for someone else... sigh.


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