Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Second Day

I actually had moments of clarity this morning regarding the Accounts Payables part of the process, so it was great for the first part of the day. But the woman who is training me got some bad news and for the rest of the day, I was pretty much left to my own devices. I got stuck on a couple of things, then she came back and grumpily and really hurriedly explained, then left again, to make phone calls or whatever. I hope whatever it is that happened in her life with sort itself out; she looked really distracted and stressed. And I also hope this doesn't mean that my training is done. LOL. Cuz then I'm gonna be in trouble!
Lydia was very good again this morning, so she's got two stickers on her chart already. (I promised her stars for the good days, but we found elephant stickers in the dollar store, so she chose those instead.)


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

Never fails. In every new job

(a) payday will fall as long as possible from the day you start

(b) something awful will happen to your trainer and you'll have to train yourself

(c) within about three months, you'll be able to laugh at the stress that almost knocked you flat the first week...because it will have been replaced by WORSE STRESS.

(I didn't write that out loud, did I?)

Relax. You'll do fine.

2:32 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

thanks Ken! That was funny! and so true! LOL

2:51 PM


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