Thursday, May 11, 2006

Humanist meeting

I went to the London and Area Humanist Association meeting tonight. The topic was Haiti, and Canada's role there... It's really astonishing how much we DON'T hear in the media about things that really matter! Here we are, supposedly peace-keepers (though Canada is rapidly losing that image, see out involvement in Afghanistan), and we are actually helping the de-stabilizing forces in that tiny little country. What I want to know is, why the hell is the US picking on Haiti? I mean, think about it... They have NOTHING. It's not like they are Kuwait or Iraq, there is no oil, no platinum mines, no diamonds, no nothing... 8 million people, starving because all the forests had been cut down and most of the land is eroded. Sweatshops that funnel money into the pockets of a small elite population, most of whom don't even live in Haiti. The democratic government (the one that was elected by a landslide majority of the people, despite of the fact that the elections were boycotted and sabotaged by the elite) was overturned with our and the American's "help". Poverty, crime, illiteracy (85%!!!!) starvation... The schools that were opened by that government had been closed after the coup. I felt sick just thinking about it.. There were several hypothesis about why this is happening, but really, how can we know the truth? It's so difficult to find out what's really going on with all the censorship and misinformation in the mass media....
Anyways, I signed up to volunteer at the information table next Monday night (5-7), at the Central Library corridor in the Galleria, downtown London, so if you want to learn more about humanism, come by and chat with me!!!! They need new members and I think it's an organization that deserves be promoted. I mean, there isn't a whole lot left to believe in in this world, if you really look at things rationally.... the only thing we have left is ourselves - humans. Why not be part of a movement that promotes critical thinking, an open mind, acceptance of humans of all kinds. Why not put the responsibility on our own shoulders to come up with solutions, instead of looking to a god or a government or some other "all powerful" source....
I had a great time tonight. Next month's topic is humanism and activism - how can we get involved and do something instead of just sitting on our hands complaining that everything is so corrupt... looking forward to it.
Check out the website link on my side bar. It has links to other Humanist groups elsewhere, if you're not here in London.


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