Friday, May 05, 2006


today at work, I felt like I can actually make sense of the whole thing. I outlined the main process in my notepad and I'm able to place all the detailed scribbly notes I took earlier this week where they supposed to go. So I'm pretty sure I'll be OK. The pay is not very much, about 60% of what I used to make at IBM, but oh well. If I really like being there, it's worth it. So far, everyone is really nice, now that the growly girl who trained me is gone. Everybody is pretty casual, there are swear words flying around once in a while (it doesn't balance or the printer jammed or someone nasty was on the phone), but they are all a fun bunch. The owner is great, a real gentleman, always very polite, but in a way that he is kinda making fun of himself. He was loading the dishwasher this morning in the little staff kitchen, so I stopped and stared at the sight... a man loading dishes, would ya look at that!!!! LOL. AND it was jean day (or track pants day, as I saw on some of the girls), plus, we got taken out for lunch (the accounting group), and the office mgr paid for it.
Lydia got adjusted really well, 5 elephant stickers this week! She goes to bed at a decent time, too, so it's great. A bit grouchy in the morning, but hey, so am I.


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