Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Clumsy Pris

Oh, this was hilarious! I was just getting comfortable in front of my computer when Prissy decided to come sit on the desk to get a chin scratch. But she noticed some birds outside and she sat up on the windowsill to watch. She made those funny little noises, her lips quivered, her ears were back, flat against her head, she was concentrating so much. But, her tail was wagging from all the excitement, and she didn't notice but it was hitting the empty waterbottle on my desk. Finally, after three wags, the bottle fell over, making a noise on the desk, which otherwise would have been negligable, but for Prissy, who was TOTALLY immersed in bird watching, it was a loud noise!!!!! She jumped, forgetting that she was on the windowsill (waaaay too narrow for her butt), lost her balance and tumbled off the sill, thankfully landing on the chair, not on the floor, so she didn't hurt herself. Only her pride suffered... After she got a hold of herself, she gave her coat a couple of licks and walked out the door, as dignified as possible, under the circumstances.


Blogger Ken Breadner said...

don't you love how they do that?

That? Oh, yes, I MEANT to do that. Yes, I did. Why are you staring at me so, provider of food and bellyrubs?

5:00 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

Yeah, totally! You have a cat, too?

6:25 PM

Blogger Ken Breadner said...

We have two, B.B. (short for 'bug-butt' and Streak. B.B. is 12--though you'd never know it to watch her, she still plays like a kitten--and Streak is going on 15.

I loooooooove cats.

3:06 PM

Blogger flameskb said...

Bug butt??? As in, as restless as someone who's gut bugs in his butt? LOL. there must be a story there... Mine are fairly young, Daisy is only 2, Pris is about 4, don't know for sure as she came from a shelter.

6:33 PM


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