The Cat Chronicles continue
The cats miss me. All of a sudden, there is no one home all day to give them food and chin scratches, no one to curl up on the couch with and read a book, no one to follow around and see if she is doing anything interesting... They are BOTH at the door right away when we come home in the evening. Prissy throws herself in front of me immediately, for a belly scratch, and Daisy purrs even before I touch her. They even suck up to Lydia, who they usually avoid otherwise, unless she is holding food or a cat toy in her hands. In the evening, after Lydia is in bed and I sit down for a bit of reading or tv, they both come and sit with me. Sometimes ON me, sometimes beside me, whatever suits their mood that night.
This morning, both of them were extremely perky, I heard them even before I got up. Daisy LOVES bouncy balls, she kicks them around with her paws, sometimes even picks them up and carries them in her mouth and then drops them, I think she enjoys the noise they make. I enjoy it a bit less, especially 5 in the morning... Later, they were both observing me making lunches, sitting on both sides of the sports bag I left there last night. The bag was the PERFECT size. Just big enough to hide behind, crouching down, but not too big that they could still see each other, peeking over the top or the sides. It started innocently enough, a bit of peek-a-boo and hide and seek, and then Daisy decided to crawl into the bag. Well, that didn't sit well with Prissy, who was contemplating doing the same thing, and as big as the bag was, it wasn't big enough for two cats for some reason... At first, Prissy just kinda stuck her paw in there to gently nudge Daisy, but of course, she would have none of it. She peeked out, ears flat on her head and she let out a mean sounding hiss. Well, Prissy's ears went back immediately as well, and the nudges turned into regular whacks on Daisy's head. Before I knew it, there was hissing and thuds of kicks as they landed on furry bodies, so I stomped my foot and clapped real loud before there is any serious damage. (I don't think they would really hurt each other, a lot of it is just show, but I don't really want to find out) They both looked at me with annoyed looks on their faces, and Daisy had grey Prissy furs sticking out of her mouth. Both were clearly ready for more fight, tails wagging, ears still flat, eyes wide open! I had to clap and yell a few more times before they finally separated, one down to the basement, the other to the top of the cat house for a nice little post-fight grooming. But this evening, they were both sleeping curled up together on the big chair.
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