I don't know what is going on with my face lately. I get one HUGE gigantic gynormous mountain-size zit after another!!!! I just finally got over one on my cheek, and now another one is on my chin!!!! They are the really awful kind, the ones that are deep under layers of skin, you can't squeeze them out, they are just in there, throbbing and HUGE. My face looked positively swollen last night! I put some zit gel on it, it calmed down a little, but it's still red and painful.... You know, one would hope that wrinkles (ahem, not that I have any, of course) and zits wouldn't exist on the same face!!!!!!! It's just not fair! And of course, when you have something growing on your face, you are just that much more self-conscious, thinking everyone is staring at it.... LOL. Mom never fails to mention it, of course, with this pitying look on your face: "Oh, you have one of those again. Make sure you don't pick at it." "Yes, Mom" (rolling eyes)
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