Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Winter's Turn is Over

This morning, my daughter was extremely upset over the fact that there was snow on the ground and that I made her wear her winter coat and boots to school. She was spitting mad, and I had no patience for it, cuz I'm PMSing BIG time and I'm frustrated that I still don't have a job. So I said, you know what, there is nothing I can do about the snow and it doesn't matter whether you're throwing a hissy fit or not, it's not gonna change, just grin and bear it and get out the door so you're not late for school. She stomped out but still clearly upset, throwing dirty looks at me. I said, what, now the weather is my fault and you're mad at me for the snow? She said, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at winter! It's not FAIR, she yelled. Winter is a big bully and spring is just a baby and winter's turn is done now and he should go back to the END OF THE LINE and wait his turn again and let spring take her turn!!!!! Well, my frustration just dropped away, it was soo funny and yet such a fitting allegory for the seasons! Isn't it just amazing what goes on in her little head?????? We drove to school and she was still going on about it all, and she even told Mrs. Pincombe, who was really nice, she said, you know, there is always a snowfall just before the flowers are ready to come out, so when the snow melts it leaves the ground soft and wet so the flowers can poke their heads through. So my placated girl took her place in the line and went in with the others.


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