Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Whew, what a day!

It started with Lydia not wanting to get up in the first place, and then the morning went downhill from there... Not the right cereal, the pears were too hard, it was a repeat show of Lazy Town, the socks were uncomfortable, the sweaters were no good, the favourite snowman sweater was nowhere to be found, her hair was in her face but she didn't want it brushed... arrrrgggghhhh. Finally, I got her off to school (late, so we had to stand for O Canada in the hall). Then Andy called, he wanted me to pick him up from the truck shop (darned thing needs new shocks or something or another). Then I had to rush like crazy to make it to my pre-interview test to the Boys and Girls Club, thankfully, just down the street. I think I did ok, though I messed up one entry pretty bad, the rest of them should be OK. It would be nice to get the job, I would LOVE to work for a non-profit for a change, I've had enough of the greedy bottom line, shareholder-pleasing big corporations. Plus, it's, like, five minutes from home... So after I've done that, it was almost time to pick her up again (early dismissal day), then just enough time to feed her and take her over to her friend's house, drop Andy off at the truck shop to pick up the big rig with the new shocks, and then to Arnsby's Prop. Mgmt. for my second interview of the day!!!!! YIKES!!!!! I did OK on the test, and both ladies who interviewed me were very, very nice, and I met my old college friend Tracy, she works there too!!!! So that would be a good place to work, as well. Then on my way home, who is coming down on Oxford but my other good friend from college, Barb!!!! I gave her a ride home, picked up the kids (mine and her friend Leila) and now they are playing in the back yard with the neighbour boy and I have a moment to myself (until they want something, juice or whatever). Whew.


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